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Get to know your One
The basics
The Basics
Introducing Thinklabs One (Video)
What is the best way to wear the Thinklabs One?
How do I clean the Thinklabs One?
What are frequency filters and what do they do?
What items come with the Thinklabs One?
How do I adjust the volume on the One?
How do I turn the Thinklabs One on?
How do I set the auto-shutoff time on the Thinklabs One?
How do I manually shut off the Thinklabs One?
How do I disable the Thinklabs One auto-shutoff feature?
Thinklabs One Control Buttons Explained
Thinklabs One Display Explained
What is the diaphragm retainer ring?
How do I clean out the space around the diaphragm sensor using high-pressure air?
Y One Instructions for Use
How do I check the battery level on the Thinklabs One?
What is the battery life of a fully charged Thinklabs One?
How do I replace the battery in the Thinklabs One?
Why can't I use a generic or third-party charger with the Thinklabs One?
How do I charge the Thinklabs One?
How long does it take to charge the Thinklabs One?
Thinklabs One Battery Best Practices
Filter Settings
Introduction to Frequency Filters
How do I set favorite frequency filters?
Why don't my filter favorites change when I press the Filter button?
How do I change filters on the Thinklabs One?